10 June 2010

Happy Birthday Demi-Dos!

It's our 2nd Birthday!
I can't believe this all started 2 years ago! June 2008 we did our first show and it's been so much fun watching this all happen. Soooooo in celebration of our 2nd Birthday please join us on Friday June 11, 2010 11:00 a.m.- 7:00 p.m. for an Open House. We will be introducing some new products including our embellished hats, headbands, tulle embellished flower clips and leather flower jewelry. And we'll have LOTS of great deals! don't miss it and be sure to bring your friends!

The address is 2068 W. 2180 N. Lehi, Utah 84043


22 February 2010


WE ARE MAKING SOME BIG CHANGES! Please feel free to email us with any questions or orders. We hope to improve our site, ordering and blog. We apologize for any inconvenience and hope that you will continue to contact us for your hats, flowers and other accessory needs!

Thanks for your understanding!
Demi-Dos Management

06 November 2009


Hey there! We are soooo excited for things. November is the REAL holiday shopping month and we can't wait for all of the fabulous shows we are participating in this year! So, let's get to it!

Thurs.- Sat. Nov. 5-7
Thursdays 9:00-8:00 p.m.
Fridays 9:00-8:00 p.m.
Saturday 9:00-6:00 p.m.
Lehi Legacy Center
123 No. Center Street
Lehi, UT 84043

Saturday Nov. 7th we will also be at a Special Fall Festival to help support The American Legacy Academy!
The hours are from 4-9. The address is 215 North Center American Fork! Hope to see you there!
American Legacy Academy

21 October 2009

Battlcreek & Bliss

Boutique Image

Please join us this weekend over in Pleasant Grove! There is a lot going on over there and we wouldn't want you to miss out on ANY of it! We will again be at the Battlecreek Boutique (Utah's Finest and oldest Boutique) at the old P.G. Rec Center. This is one of our favorite shows! The show hours are:
Thursday & Friday 9 a.m. - 8 p.m.

Saturday 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.

Pleasant Grove Recreation Center
200 South 41 East
Pleasant Grove, Utah

DON'T MISS IT!!!! & across the street....

Come join us at Bliss this weekend
Bliss is Celebrating Fall,
with new arrivals and Special Savings for you and your friends...
Charm Punch Card

When you Purchase 5 charms you will receive a free bauble
Bliss Boutique
Location 105 S 100 E Pleasant Grove,

1 801 785-1817
Harvest Moon !
Come and Celebrate the Season

With our Featured Fall Styles

When you purchase 20$
you will receive a punch on your Loyaty card when your loyalty card is full, you will receive free gift ...

Thank You to all of our customers,
We appreciate your loyalty and support in making our business a success!!


Thursday, October 22nd from 11am-8pm!
Come and see all of our fabulous items and get HUGE savings!!!

New Designer Denim now in!
*Select styles 30% off

*New Handbags in and select styles discounted!

Lots of Charms on Sale!

Children's Halloween Costumes on Sale!
(as seen on GTU)

"Bling" T shirts 25% off!

$10 Off Party Skirts
s seen on GTU)

Bonjour Belle signature jewelry on sale!
10.00 Necklaces 7.00 earrings 7.00 bracelets (while supplies last !

New Baby Chicks shoes and Studio 32 Shoes have arrived!

Come shop with a friend ......
Enjoy delicious treats Bring your Friends & Family

Contact Info
Bonjour Belle Boutique Bliss Boutique
26 W 100 N 105 S 100 E
American Fork, UT Pleasant Grove ,Ut
Dawn Stark Ashlie -Summer
801 763 8868 801 785 1817

14 October 2009


Please join us this weekend up in Weber County! We are going to be at 2 shows up there!

Simple Treasures Craft Boutique!

Beginning Wed. Oct. 14 and running through Sat. Oct 17th. Wed.- Fri. Hours are 10 a.m.-8 p.m. and Sat. hours are 10 a.m.-6 p.m. We have enjoyed this show in the past and are looking forward to another great show this weekend. The show takes place at Ogden's Historic Union Station 2501 Wall Ave. , Ogden, Utah.

We are also going to be up in West Haven on Saturday. The Scraps of Simplicity show is just a half day show but with LOTS of fun fun stuff. These ladies make it more than just a shopping day with the girls. They not only do they have awesome vendors to shop with but they do door prizes and fun little shopping games while you're there. I am SUPER excited to be a part of this show. Come check it out. All the info is here...

21 September 2009

Playing Catch Up!

Dear Demi-Dos Fans and Followers-

Please forgive me as I try to play a little catch up. I have not posted for awhile. We have been UBER busy getting things ready for an AMAZING!!!! Swiss Days Show up in Midway(my MIL's quaint little town). I love it there! So.....IT WAS AWESOME!!!!!!! Thank you to everyone that helped out with the Booth. I can't thank you enough and to those of you that purchased items from us.....THANK YOU!

Next on the list...OH! SWEET SADIE Art & Gift Show. I have said it before and I'll say it again...
A-MAZ-ING!!! I love those ladies (Dani & Heidi), what an amazing show. They never cease to impress.

And lastly Terri's Blue Goose Boutique in Lehi. Terri and her team really work hard to put on a flawless show. They have their System down and are so kind to put up with my crazy life. Thanks Ladies! I thought I might have a Klingon with me as I worked my shift but, they were willing to work with me through the chaos. I t all worked out in the end. It is always nice to do a show so close to home. Thanks to you ALL!

Now...Let's get to whats coming up ....

This weekend Swiss Days Santa Clara!

We will be there Friday and Saturday Sept. 25th & 26th, 2009

We will also be at the Heartfelt Boutique in West Jordan this weekend.
September 24-26
Thursday 4:00-8:30
Friday 10:00-8:30
Saturday 10:00-6:00

Come find us across the Street From Gardner Village!
1137 West 7800 South in West Jordan!

And get ready for....

We'll be there!
Can't wait to see you all.

We will have more shows coming up real soon so keep checking back for some GREAT fall giveaways and Show Posts!

03 August 2009

Back to School Shopping Night

Can you believe it is THAT time of year again already? It is CRAZy how time flies. Exciting though! I will have 3 kids in some sort of school this year and the girls can't wait to wear their new clothes and Demi-Clips!

Demi-Dos will be having a Back to School Shopping Night... Thurs. August 6th from 6-9 p.m.! Tell ALL of your friends! We will be having Give-A-Ways all night! Specials on all of our items and refreshments too! So, bring the GIRLS (all of them) and come shop our annual Demi-Dos back to School Shopping Night!

Sashes: Reg. Price $12 each...SALE PRICE $10 each or 2 For $18
Hats: Reg. Price $16 each...SALE PRICE $15 each or 3 for $40
Flower Clips: $5-$8 each...Buy 3 get 1 FREE!
*NEW ITEM* Fairy Wings: Reg Price $16 each...SALE PRICE $12 each

***Check out our new Button Rings & Earrings!***

Thurs. August 6th 6-9 p.m. 2068 W. 2180 N., Lehi, UT

28 July 2009

Highland Fling

Once again we will be attending the Highland Fling! We had a great time there last year and hope that we will have another great show this year!
The fun starts this Friday! The Boutique opens on Sat. August 1st at 10 a.m. & will be running all day long, ending with fireworks at 10 p.m. at Hertitage Park in Highland, Utah!
For more info on all of the festivities in Highland click HERE! Can't wait to see you there!

30 June 2009

Freedom Festival-Provo

We are excited to be a part of the Freedom Festival again this year! Please join us for all of the festivities! We will be there Thurs. July 2nd 5 p.m.-10 p.m., Fri. July 3rd 10 a.m.- 10 p.m.& Sat. July 4th 8 a.m. - 8 p.m.!

02 June 2009


We are excited to be attending the Pony Express Days in Eagle Mountain again this year. This is an exciting time for us because it marks our 1 year anniversary! I can't believe it has already been a year! So, as an Anniversary Special to ALL of our wonderful customers we are offering some AWESOME Specials! THIS WEEKEND ONLY! All of our Hats will be $12 each!!!! ALL flowers will be $5 each! So, come out to Eagle Mountain on Thurs. June 4th 2009 between 4-8 p.m., Fri. June 5th between 11 a.m. - 8 p.m. or Sat. 6th between noon- 8 p.m.! We can't wait to see you ALL!

We are also doing a Give-A-Way! There are 2 ways to enter!

1. You can enter a comment here on the blog or 2. You can enter in the drawing this weekend out at Pony Express Days!

30 May 2009

Customer Photos!!!!

Lindsay Clements, a Demi-Dos Customer, recently sent me this cute email...

"I am always getting comments on my daughter, Bella whenever she wears your cute flowers. I thought I would email you some pictures of her with them on...she looks so darn cute. Thanks for the fabulous flowers. I love them!!"

I was so thrilled to get this email and the pictures along with it! Thanks for letting me share Lindsay! She is adorable! I hope you will all enjoy them as much as I did!

14 May 2009

What to do this weekend?

Come see us this weekend! Fri. & Sat. we will be at the the Sweet Tweets Boutique in Herriman.
These shows are always super fun 'cause they are not just a room full of craft booths. Andra teams up with different home builders all over the valley and uses their Model Homes as a fabulous Boutique!

Email me for directions!

Also on Saturday we are going to be across town in.... Sugarhouse! This will be a great show for those of you on the east side.
Here is the info...


We’re back just in time for summer fun!

Check Us Out on the Web: www.happyhalen.blogspot.com
for an opportunity to win a Gift Certificate to Happy Halen
and get a sneak peek at our new merchandise.

Featuring: new vendors, home décor, Fourth of July decorations and clothing, more children’s attire (by popular demand), and more!

Limited Hours – Don’t Miss Out!

Saturday May 16th 10 AM to 4 PM

Saturday May 30th 10 AM to 4 PM

1647 East Westminster Ave. (1900 South)

06 May 2009

This weekend we are going to be at The Women's Expo in Orem, Utah! Demi-Dos has teamed up with Sneak A' Roos (Squeaky Shoes) again for another Expo and Lilly Lu's (Pillowcase Dresses) will also be joining us! We are all excited about this show!

So here it is - the Utah Valley Women's Expo. It's a Utah Valley favorite. It's two days of everything she wants. There are great clothes, beauty products, home items and decor, exercise helps, seminars from nationally prominent women, money saving ideas, career guidance, scrap booking, women’s health, makeovers, hairstyling, bags, food demonstrations, gift ideas, heavenly spa samplings, door prizes, vacations, family activities, good food, friends, fun and more.

You're going to love this show. It's about getting you away from the everyday routine - even if it’s just a temporary reprieve. So we’ll see you at the Expo!

WE HAVE FREE TICKETS TO THE SHOW!!! If you would like some please make a comment here or email me and I'll get them to you. Hope to see you this weekend!

OH! and the hours and location of the show are....

Fri. May 8th and Sat. May 9th 11 a.m.- 8 p.m.

UVU McKay Event Center

24 April 2009

Check us OUT!!!!!!

Hey there everybody....WOW! Have I had the busiest couple weeks of my life!!!!! I am so sorry I have not been keeping everything on the blog...I have literally been working night and day to get everything done for ALL of these amazing events that we are involved in. There are just not enough hours in the day and unfortunately I have to sleep. So, before I go any further I need to tell you all about the 2 FABULOUS Shows we have going on this weekend!

First is the Battlecreek Boutique Pleasant Grove. This show has been around for nearly 30 Years and is taking place at the P.G. Rec. Center! The Rec. Center is just up the Road from the Purple Turtle Restaurant. Here is the Show information...

April 23 - 25, 2009

Thursday & Friday 9 a.m. - 8 p.m.
Saturday 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.

Pleasant Grove Recreation Center
200 South 41 East
Pleasant Grove, Utah

and Second... Oh Sweet Sadie!

This is a fabulous show! You won't want to miss IT!!!

Daybreak Show.jpg

The other news I have is that we (Demi-Dos Products) can now be found at Cherished Moments Photography and Boutique! This is so exciting because up until now, Demi-Dos could only be found at Seasonal Boutiques and EXPOs.

We were also featured on Good Things Utah yesterday along with a few of the other Cherished Moments vendors and we will be airing a Cherished Moments commercial featuring Sophie (and a few others) Sporting our DemiClip! It has been an exciting week! So, Come check out the Boutique! CM is hosting a Kutest Kid Kontest!!! and If you are headed to the Battlecreek Boutique this weekend you are in luck cause Cherished Moments is right across the STREET!!! the address is 105 South 100 East in Pleasant Grove.

and here is a cute picture from the show!

01 April 2009

It's April and Spring has disappeared!
Spring where did you go? Why have you left me? You seemed to have started the relationship really strong. Why have you given into your white, cold, fluffy friend?It seems she may be influencing you to do things. Don't get me wrong, I like her. She is a welcomed comrade...just concerned she has overstayed her welcome this time. And don't think that I am jealous, 'cause I'm not! I'm just concerned about our friendship and think that maybe you need to think about where your relationship with her might lead you. Maybe you should hang out with a few other friends for awhile. How about I have a party and you can invite a few other friends to join us? I like that bright, warm, yellow one you have!

Was that too Dramatic? Maybe? Well, I can't help myself. I have so much planned this month I can barely stand it! Maybe a we ALL need a party or 2 or 3 or 12 to attend..or a boutique Shopping is always a good way to cure Spring Fever Right?

So....this is where we will be for the next little bit...SPRING or no spring!

Simple Treasures Spring Craft Boutique
Union Station
Ogden, Utah
Wed. April 1st - Fri. April 3rd 10a.m.- 8 p.m.
Sat. April 4th 10 a.m.- 6 p.m.

We will also be here on Fri. and Sat. April 3rd and 4th!
Come check it out!

Stay tuned for more fabulous Spring Boutiques and Home Parties!

16 March 2009

Spring Is In The Air....and Everywhere!

I am so excited! Spring is just around the corner! The flowers are just peaking over the soil, the air is cool, the sound of children playing in the distance... it is one of my most favorite times of the year! (2nd only to the magic of fresh fallen snow and the jingle of sleigh bells)

So, for my family and many of you it means new dresses in pastels, linen (which my son will sport this Easter), daffodils and my favorite, TULIPS as a centerpiece. Shorts, flip flops, swimming suits and Sun Hats (from Demi-Dos)!

Add a Demi Clip to any outfit! Casual(from the beach to the ball park), Dressy (from Dinner with your Honey to Singing in the Choir) or Formal(From Prom Night to the Alter) we can add that POP to your outfit that you are looking for! We can customize our flowers to match any ensemble or occasion. All of our flowers are one of a kind..no worries that anyone else we be sporting your same flower on Easter or any other occasion.

Come join us at any of the following Shows...We are sure to help get you ready for the fabulous styles that Spring has to offer! We are adding several new items to our collection of fabulous products this season. So come check us out!!!!

Sweet Tweets Boutique
Fri. & Sat. March 20th & 21st, 2009
Richmond American Homes
Gray's Farm
260 S. 2275 W.
Lehi, Utah
*Show Times* Fri. 10a.m.-7 p.m. & Sat. 10 a.m.-5 p.m.

Home Party
Hosted By: Nicole Garrett
Tues. March 24th,2009
6167 W. 10830 N.
Highland, Utah
Everyone Welcome!
*Show Time* 7 p.m.-9 p.m.

Home Party
Hosted By: Christi Elliott
Thurs. March 26th, 2009
1942 W.2250 N.
Lehi, Utah
Everyone Welcome!
*Show Time* 6:30 p.m.-8:30 p.m.


06 March 2009

Blog Feature

We were recently featured on the Sweet Tweets Boutique Blog as a TOP vendor! Andra is so nice to say such good things about us! I suppose I should do the same for her...I would even if she hadn't already said nice things about me. She is adorable and fun, carefree and obviously ambitious! I love her outgoing personalityAndra is the owner of Sweet Tweets Boutique. Here is what she says about herself... "What started as a fun little hobby has turned into a successful business! I am a stay at home mom to my beautiful little Whitney and I'm a step mom to the most wonderful step daughter Elle. I'm married to an amazing guy that makes me smile everyday. My boutiques give me a way to release my creative juices and lets me put some extra money aside for a very expensive IVF! It's worth every penny to me. Nothing is more rewarding than having giggles fill your home. I'm so lucky!"

So, just so you all know... Fri. & Sat., March 20th & 21st we will be at the Sweet Tweets Boutique. This Boutique is a traveling show and the first stop on the tour is in Fabulous Ol' Lehi. The venue is at Richmond American home in Gray's Farm in Southwest Lehi. The address is 260 South 2275 West, Lehi, Utah. I hope you will swing by for a wonderful Spring shopping day! Be sure to bring your Friends!

If you can't make it for this fabulous show no worries 'cause we are going to be moving to a another venue just up the road and up the mountian a bit too. Traverse Mountain will be the spot on April 17th & 18th. Richmond American will be hosting the show again and trust me this show will be GREAT! & just in time for Mother's Day.

22 February 2009

Tinker Bear Boutique

This weekend Demi-Dos will be at the South Towne Expo Center during the Safe Kids Fair! We will be participating in the Tinker Bear Boutique! Friday Feb. 27th from 10 a.m.- 6 p.m. & Saturday Feb. 28th from 11 a.m.- 6 p.m.! Admission is FREE! Please email cathy@demi-dos.com with questions.

02 February 2009

Sweethearts & Faceboook

Valentines Day is just around the corner! x0x0x0

HELLO!! & THANKS!! We had a great show last week here at my home! Thanks to everyone that came and brought friends! The comments we continue to get from people are fabulous! We are encouraged by the support and the many opportunities we have been given. We have been receiving lots of web orders and that is AWESOME! Thanks so much it is because of you!

Also, we are excited about our new Facebook Group! If you would like to join the group click here. It is totally FREE and you will get updates on sales, promotions and events that we are involved in! Check it out!

We have a few parties coming up this next week...We have 3 shows scheduled back to back just in time for Valentines Day! Our products are perfect for your little Sweethearts & loved ones of ALL ages and don't forget...you get 20% of your show Sales in FREE Merchandise when you host a party! Email me if you are interested in booking a show of your own!

Tues. Feb. 10th
Open House 7-9 p.m.
American Fork, Utah
Hosted By :Teri Shelley

Wed. Feb. 11th
Open House 6:30-8:30 p.m.
Alpine, Utah
Hosted By: Angie Loo

19 January 2009


Tues. January 27th
Open House
10-6 p.m.
2068 West 2180 North

We are booking parties and debuting our Spring line of Flower Clips and coordinating Sashes! We are having a 25% OFF sale as well. All scarves and gloves are going to be on sale! Tell all of your friends and come checkout all that demi-dos has to offer. Don't forget, anyone that books a party on Tues. January 27th will receive a sash of their choice...just for booking a party! See you there!

14 January 2009

I'm Back!!!! and it's Party Time!

After a nice long vacation and a fabulous Holiday Season, I am back..and to kick off the new year I am going to be hosting a fabulous party here at my home! The details are all still in the works but, I wanted to give you all a heads up on this show! I will be booking shows at this party... Anyone who books a party at my party will not only get 20% of their show sales in FREE merchandise but also a FREE sash and of their choice! So, start thinking about when you want to host your party!

18 December 2008

Help Us Save Handmade!

Save Handmade Toys
As producers of handmade products we are looking to our supporters to help us SAVE the products that we make!

The Consumer Products Safety Improvement Act is going to go into place in February of 2009. This Act will close our business as well as ALL other handmade businesses!

Please read what Cool Mom Picks has to say and join us in our efforts to SAVE HANDMADE!

14 December 2008


My friend Kelli and I decided we wanted to promote our businesses and decided that hosting a boutique of our own would be a great way to do it! SOOOOOOO.....We are excited to introduce our new boutique...SNAPPY VALLEY! We have several of Utah Valley's finest vendors participating in this show. There are only 11 days until Christmas so come check out what we have to offer...Tues. Dec. 16th, 2008! 1844 Pointe Meadow Loop, LEHI, Ut. Shopping begins @ NOON! We will be taking a break at 3 p.m. but will be up and running again @ 6 until 9 p.m.! So, grab your girlfriends and enjoy some of the areas most fabulous vendors for an afternoon/evening of shopping! We will be doing doorprizes every hour and if Santa hasn't "wrapped" things up at your house yet..let us do it for you!

These are some of the things that you will enjoy at the SNAPPY VALLEY BOUTIQUE this year...

State Of Hype (Make-Up, Clothing, Jewelry)
Scentsy (Wickless Candles)
Demi-Dos (Hair Flowers, Hats, Gloves & More)
Sweet Suds ( Handmade Soaps)
Sneak A' Roos ( Squeaky Shoes)
Howling Fun Games (Games for the WHOLE family)
Tres Chic Boutique (Home Decor)
Bags to Riches (Designer Handbags)
Angela's Accessories (Hair accessories for girls)

...just to Name a few! Hope to see you there!

08 December 2008

If you haven't been able to make it out to any of the boutiques we've been involved in lately...you just might want to make it to one of these 2 upcoming shows... or both even!!!!

FACES Boutique
Thurs. December 11th 5-9 p.m. & Fri. December 12th 11 a.m.-9:30 p.m.
656 East 11400 South Suite M.
Draper, Utah
For Directions Click HERE!
For more info contact me by email or Erin @ FACES: 801-748-2283

Fri. December 12th 10-7 p.m & Sat. 10-5 p.m.
Gough Model Home
Sunset at Draper Ridge
12004 South Sunset View Lane
Draper, Utah 84020
For Directions Click HERE!

05 December 2008

Oh Sweet Sadie!...Best show of the YEAR!

I just have to say that if anyone is in the SHOPPING mood this weekend or even just wanting something fun to do...GO to OH SWEET SADIE!!!! This is THE most fabulous boutique around! They have Not 1, or even 2 houses FULL of AMAZINg stuff but....3 did you get that? 3 Houses FULL of stuff including Demi-Dos! Awesome deals on CUTE, CUTE stuff for everyone you are buying for! NOT kidding.

If you live near me you are literally only 20 minutes from the show. It is at Daybreak in South Jordan...out by THE DISTRICT! If you have never been out there...GO! I LOVE it. It is just fun to look at the houses (did I tell you that this show is taking place in 3 different DESTINATION model homes?) SUPER CUTE!

So, since I know there is NOTHING better to do....go out there this weekend. Sat. is the last day of the show. it closes at 5 p.m. !

Questions? email me cathy@demi-dos.com

25 November 2008

Black Friday and a Trip to California

Ya'll ready? Shopping begins in just 3 days! Fri. Nov. 28th, 10 am-8pm! We will be at the Spanish Fork Fair Grounds for the Christmas Gift & Craft Show! 500 S. Main Street. Spanish Fork Fair Grounds Tennis Courts.
For many people, shopping at the show is as much a part of the holidays as their Thanksgiving dinner the day before. Whether you come to the show every year or are planning to come for the first time this year, we look forward to seeing you at the show--remember, admission is free--we'll see you at the show!

For First hour of the show ALL items will 50% OFF the regular Price! Tell ALL of your friends because this is a ONE TIME ONLY sale!

Then on Mon. Dec. 1st we will be in California! We were asked to come out for a fabulously fun show in San Ramon, California. We are really looking forward to seeing ALL of you, in the Bay Area.
Stop by ClubSport San Ramon for a festive Holiday Boutique on Monday, December 1st from 10am to 7pm. Check out the creative and fun gift items available from 28 different vendors including jewelry, wreaths, lotions & soaps, personalized medal displays, pajamas, ornaments, quilts, spa robes, cosmetics, an array of holiday items and much, much more. This is a great way to get your holiday shopping done. Just come on into the main Lobby - you can't miss it. Event is open to the public, hope to see you there!!!