22 February 2009

Tinker Bear Boutique

This weekend Demi-Dos will be at the South Towne Expo Center during the Safe Kids Fair! We will be participating in the Tinker Bear Boutique! Friday Feb. 27th from 10 a.m.- 6 p.m. & Saturday Feb. 28th from 11 a.m.- 6 p.m.! Admission is FREE! Please email cathy@demi-dos.com with questions.

02 February 2009

Sweethearts & Faceboook

Valentines Day is just around the corner! x0x0x0

HELLO!! & THANKS!! We had a great show last week here at my home! Thanks to everyone that came and brought friends! The comments we continue to get from people are fabulous! We are encouraged by the support and the many opportunities we have been given. We have been receiving lots of web orders and that is AWESOME! Thanks so much it is because of you!

Also, we are excited about our new Facebook Group! If you would like to join the group click here. It is totally FREE and you will get updates on sales, promotions and events that we are involved in! Check it out!

We have a few parties coming up this next week...We have 3 shows scheduled back to back just in time for Valentines Day! Our products are perfect for your little Sweethearts & loved ones of ALL ages and don't forget...you get 20% of your show Sales in FREE Merchandise when you host a party! Email me if you are interested in booking a show of your own!

Tues. Feb. 10th
Open House 7-9 p.m.
American Fork, Utah
Hosted By :Teri Shelley

Wed. Feb. 11th
Open House 6:30-8:30 p.m.
Alpine, Utah
Hosted By: Angie Loo